Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Google PR Update Update

There has been a fair bit of gnashing of teeth since Google's most recent PR update last week. I have not been able to assess the "damage" in a very thorough way, but my impression is that things have not changed much with my sites. A few things I've noticed:

1. My first PR5 for
2. One PR4 was demoted to a PR3. This was a site I have been ignoring, so it was probably justified.
3. A couple of other PR3s were promoted to PR4.
4. A number of interior pages were moved down from PR2 to PR1.

Most SEO experts think the recent changes reflect a more rigorous application of new rules. My own impression is that rankings are still pretty inconsistent. I continue to think that PR is less and less important in the overall scheme of things.


My new Linknet Advertising project is scheduled to be released August 1, but more likely will be unveiled around August 15.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Back After Two Weeks Off

Well, I'm back after our golfing and sight-seeing trip to Saskatchwean. Things are certainly different there.

For one thing, there's the weather. Here (in southern Ontario) it has been hot and steamy. In Saskatchewan it was hot and semi-steamy. What they say about it being a "dry hot" / "dry cold" in the west -- well, it is (sort of) true.

Second, there's the landscape. It is not all wheat fields. But the expanse of land under cultivation is truly mind boggling. Miles and miles of canola and wheat fields along the road with nary a house with real people living in it.

Third, also part of the landscape ... they don't have real trees in most of the province. How can Saskatchewaners identify with our "beloved" maple leaf (emblazoned on our national flag). I did not see a single maple tree out there. And very few pine trees. Mostly those fairly unimpressive aspens.

Fourth, the places we stayed didn't have phones -- at least ones that worked -- so I felt almost completely cut off from the real (web) world. I am pretty used to jerry-rigging motel phones to make internet connections, but it's hard when the only one you can find is a pay phone. Actually that is not true. I was able to connect at the the first two places we stayed. One time it was by using the fax line in a little 3 x 8 utility room stuffed with machines and supplies.

Fifth, the golf courses we played were inexpensive and not busy. As soon as I get my golf blog running again I'll write about it.